reach hispanic market

How to Reach The New U.S. Hispanic Market

In general, Hispanics are known to be digitally savvy and actually spend more time online when compared to other groups in the US. In fact, Hispanic users of smartphones spend almost 10.5 hours per week using the internet, compared to the average of 8.4 hours for the population in general. To stay ahead of the game, redesigning your website to include translation and localization aimed at Hispanics is the key to creating an authentic, engaging, online experience that boosts loyalty and optimizes sales conversions from this valuable market segment.

The Importance of Localizing Your Content for the US Hispanic Market

As America’s second fastest growing demographic (behind Asian Americans), Hispanics comprise approximately 20% of the total population. The purchasing power of this group of consumers should not be ignored when it comes to formulating your product designs, branding strategies, and marketing campaigns.

Language Plays a Big Part in Hispanic Culture

In order to successfully tap into the Hispanic market, you need to pay attention to the Spanish language and cultural localization. While many Hispanics are bilingual, a Pew Research survey showed that many Hispanics regard the Spanish language as an important part of their culture. Plus they are likely to visit Spanish websites and watch Spanish-language television. Also, those who do consume more English content may prefer sites that cater specifically to English-speaking Hispanics.

Connecting to Hispanics Will Increase Brand Loyalty

Most importantly, close to 56% of Hispanics say they are much more loyal
to brands
 that connect with them in Spanish. The take away from this is that brands that use only English in websites are missing out on the opportunity to connect with a large segment of the US Hispanic population.

  • McDonald’s is a good example of a brand that has successfully used content in Spanish and English to capture this segment of the market. Click here to read about more brands that appeal to Hispanic consumers.

Give a Spanish Makeover to Your Site With Localize

Hispanics are contributing significantly to total e-commerce purchases. So, it should go without saying that having a Spanish version of your website will lead to increased traffic and sales. At Localize, we specialize in effective website translation and localization. The right time to redesign your website for Hispanic consumers is now. Get in touch with us today to begin a Spanish makeover.